
The People’s Party of Texas is a revolutionary workers’ party, established by and for Texans, dedicated to ending capitalist exploitation of labor, defending People against state violence, and building a Community dedicated to helping People Thrive in this time of rapid global change.

Our members are tired of living in a world where the wealthy and privileged hold all the power. We are tired of working in a world founded on the exploitation of those who were not lucky enough to have been born in a certain time, place, or to a certain family. We are tired of watching our environment destroyed so that an elite few can exploit those resources for profit. We are tired of suffering in a world where healthcare and quality of life are available to those with the means to enjoy them, and denied to those without. We are angry about having to live in a world where the powers that be are happy to maintain their power through violence against the poor, the downtrodden, and minorities, using the threat of fascist violence to counter efforts to bring about inclusion, freedom, and true systemic change to our politics, economy, and culture.

A new party for a new Era

We know the task of challenging the corporate duopoly is difficult. Trust us, we have heard it all before. But we believe that the difficulty and seeming impossibility of this mission is all the more reason to pursue it. The world is rapidly changing as the systems in place for centuries crumble around us. Change must be bold, and we boldly declare that we will work to see it done.

Our volunteers come from all walks of life, each of us a Texan with a passion for People and a desire to live in a world where we can all Thrive. We have all been rejected by the political establishment in one way or another, whether we were former Democrats, Republicans, or “third party” members. We believe the models for political change in this state and nation are outdated, and we will serve as an example to other movements, both in Texas and in other states, that we can do things Better, so long as we serve the People and not our own selfish interests.

Consensus, not hierarchy

The People’s Party of Texas is committed to ensuring the voices of all People have a place in our movement. We operate through the principles of horizontal democracy to ensure our decisions are based on consenus, rather than hierarchy. We avoid centralized authority as much as possible, and strive to include the voices of those who have been accustomed to never being listened to. Our processes are always improving, and we are never content to leave things as is, just because it is convenient to those who may hold influence or power.

Growing a Working Class community

Our current political system in Texas and the United States is rigged against the People. The electoral college, practice of institutional gerrymandering, media coverage bias, and corporate-funded campaigns guarantee that electing People to positions of high power is nearly impossible, and those that do manage to win an election are blocked from promoting real change from within political institutions. For that reason, our strategy is to focus on the building of local grassroots movements, and to use that momentum to help People shape their own communities across the state of Texas, with or without the navigation of electoral politics. Should running in a local or state election shine light on an important issue, or serve as a tool to educate the People on the possibilities of self government, then the circles of the People’s Party of Texas are in support. We do not, however, view electoral politics as our primary political weapon, nor is the winning of elections the primary goal of the Party.